Sunday 28 January 2018

Happy February!

Hello again!

January went so fast, I can't believe February is already here; it's going to be summer before we know it! We had an excellent month back after Christmas; swimming lessons were really fun and a great indoor activity for our winter months.

We also got a new classmate! Simon, our betta fish joined us as our Class Dojo prize! We even added him to Class Dojo (he loses a lot of dojos for distracting others, but gains them back for working so silently).

I've been working this month to get our Google Classroom up and running. It's a really easy way to assign online tasks, share PDFs we're using, and interesting links. We've had a couple of hiccups so far (that's always how it goes with technology, isn't it?), but I'm really excited about it.

February should be an exciting month! It will fly by, especially with Teachers' Convention and Family Day right in the middle, but we're going to be doing a lot of really fun activities in class! Our civilizations in Social Studies have been tons of fun and a great way to apply what we're learning about democracy. We're going to be starting our Space unit in Science, which I'm really looking forward to!

Thanks for all your continued support, I hope winter is treating everyone well!

Thursday 11 January 2018

It's 2018!

Hello and welcome back!

I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas break and enjoyed a well-deserved break with family and friends! I'm really excited to be back and get right back into work!

2018 has been great so far (despite this cold weather!). We're finishing up our Air, Aerodynamics, and Flight unit in Science with Flight - we're going to be researching an animal or insect that flies and make a parachute that will safely drop an egg to safety as our final two projects. We've started our big focus on writing in Language Arts, which has changed up how we do Morning Work. We're utilizing Barbara Mariconda's Empowering Writers resources and will be focusing on genre before jumping into narrative writing utilizing the writing diamond.

January is going to be a really fun and busy month - we have swimming lessons every Tuesday and Thursday morning, which should be a lot of fun!

Also starting back up is Souper Stars! This is really exciting for us because we didn't know if we would get a second chance after they had a change in scheduling during September-December. They'll be starting back up with us at the end of January!

Thanks for all your continued support, I hope everyone has a fantastic New Year!

It's May?!

Hello everyone! It's been so long since my last post (whoops, let's blame it on a very busy classroom). I can't believe we'r...