Tuesday 5 December 2017


Hi everyone! I'm so excited it's December and Christmas is almost upon us! We have so much to look forward to this season! In our class, we will be doing "The Twelve Days of Christmas" starting on Wednesday, Dec. 6th. During these days, we will have a new Christmas theme each day and will design much of our Language Arts, Math, Art. etc. activities around these themes. Because of the time commitment, we'll be skipping Morning Work during December to ensure we have enough time to complete all our daily tasks! It's going to be lots of fun, I know I'm very excited about it!

On December 13th, our entire school is having a Christmas Pageant at 6:00pm. Our class will be singing Silent Night with Mr. O'Brien's class. We've been hard at work and it should be a lot of fun.

We're also going to have our Cake Pop and Polar Express day on December 20, which will be tons of fun for all the elementary students. The next day will be our last day before Christmas break. Our Advent Liturgy will be at 1:30 on the 21st and we'll be celebrating in the morning with Mrs. Kieser's grade 4 class!

I hope your holidays are wonderful and safe!

It's May?!

Hello everyone! It's been so long since my last post (whoops, let's blame it on a very busy classroom). I can't believe we'r...